Ben Schirmers Acoustic

Ben Schirmers

Playing your rock and county favorites, Ben Schirmers entertains for all types of events.

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Ben Schirmers is talented musician, whose love for music is not limited by genres or eras. His connection to both rock and country is evident when you hear him play.

Inspired by Garth Brooks, Ben picked up a guitar as a young teen and never looked back. His respect for the true grit of old country greats like Johnny Cash and the raw energy of grunge bands like Nirvana that defined the 90s, allows him to cover well-known songs in a way music fans can appreciate (and sing along with).

When you need entertainment, Ben is ready to deliver. He can perform a solo set, or collaborate with fellow musicians when a fuller sound is needed. If you're looking for a whole band, he's part of Dana Robinson and the Bottlerockets, who also play rock and country favorites.

Music is more than a gig for him. He's passionate about writing, recording, and sharing music with others. His musical consortium videos feature lots of local musicians, singing and playing instruments in all kinds of places and spaces in Central MN. A regular talent on the annual Jingle Bells telethon, Ben's parodies entertain all ages for a great cause.

For crowd-pleasing entertainment, text Ben.

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