Land of the Free (Because of the Brave)

Updated on
January 18, 2025
American Flag in the Sky in Sauk Centre, MN
📷 Steph Tvrdik | Taken in Sauk Centre, MN

Saying thank you to those who served is the very least we should do to express our gratitude to America’s brave.

America. The land where we take for granted so many freedoms. I’m free to have my own thoughts, say them out loud, share them in writing, read what I choose, and gather with others who think in similar ways. I’m also free to explore ideas and opinions expressed by others who think differently. I’m free to show respect and be kind to them too.

In America, we have the freedom to vote for representatives, locally and nationally.  The candidates we cast our ballots for may or may not get elected to office, but we are free to show respect for the person who won the election. We are also free to show respect for all who showed up to fulfill their civic duty.

Another freedom we take for granted is freedom of worship. We are free to believe in a God capable of creating the expanses of time and space. We are free to deny that same God. We live in a world where humans are persecuted for their faith, but mostly in America, we can talk about God and Jesus Christ without fear.

Governor Ronald Reagan shared some thoughts on freedom in his 1967 Inaugural Address, stating,

“Perhaps you and I have lived too long with this miracle to properly be appreciative. Freedom is a fragile thing and it’s never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by way of inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people.  And those in world history who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again.”

How can we honor and thank our veterans? I believe it’s by exercising the freedoms they fought – and many gave their lives – for.

We are free to think, believe, speak, gather, worship and act as we please as long as our choices don’t encroach upon another person’s freedom.

I’m free to seek God and show up for Him. I’m free to be obedient to His call on my life, which looks different from your life. I’m free to let go of the old and grab hold of the new. I’m free to live, to love, and to lead intentionally; to be kind, forgiving, honest and humble. I’m free to be brave too.

Reflections are thoughts and ideas shared by various contributors. They may not represent the views of or the members. As with many things in life, these are best taken with a grain of salt.

Originally Published on
January 11, 2025
Steph Tvrdik

Steph Tvrdik, Director of, is a farmer’s wife, mom of two boys and an entrepreneur who cares about our community and our world. She loves the Lord, loves to garden and has a heart for helping people, both personally and professionally.